Fearlessly challenging the forces of division…

Jason Sisneros

World Changer | Stand Up Comic | Keynote Speaker

Explosion Boom Comic Illustration

Fearlessly challenging the forces of division…

With Your Host,
Jason Sisneros

World Changer
Stand Up Comic
Keynote Speaker


Differing views wanted. Open minds needed.

About the Show

We cover the topics of business, philanthropy and charity, vitality, and politics from all sides and views.

This isn't about alienating and separating, but rather, it's about bringing together people of different views to have an open dialogue, to laugh at themselves, and to come away still friends having learned more from each other.

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Bullshit not tolerated.

Assholes made fun of relentlessly.

For Patriots Who Love Freedom, What’s Next?

Eliminating divisive party lines, standing up against corruption on both sides, and uniting as a people, we need to remember that this is America, and we are Americans first. There is no us versus them, red versus blue. There is only what’s best for the American people. Next, we need to take a stand for…

Making An Impact With Jimmy Rex

Tonight’s episode is all about helping good companies make more money, so they can make more good… That’s what Jimmy Rex and Misfit Nation is all about. So Jimmy and Jason discuss Jimmy’s book and thought processes about doing more good in this crazy world. This episode is a must! Let’s do it & remember…

2020 US Election Data Anomalies Uncovered with Seth Keshel and Jason Sisneros

Learn from an insider within the investigations on the 2020 US Election. What are the public seeing compared to an insider point of view? See the numbers, make up your own mind. Keep an open mind and get ready to learn!

Being Prepared With Darin Bibeau

On this week’s episode, Darin Bibeau joins Jason to discuss preparations and life. They dive deep into Darin’s experience and the framework on how to be prepared for anything. If you want to learn how to succeed and get things done no matter what life throws at you, this episode is a must! Let’s do…

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